Monday 28 February 2011

task 5

Over the past 10 weeks you have been asked you to research and respond to 5 key questions in the form of a set of tasks. These are:-
o WhoamI–whoarethey? o Wherearethey–Howwilltheyfindme? o HowwillIpromotemyself–whatdotheywanttohear? o Whoelseisoutthere–howgoodarethey?
Statements summarising your research should have been posted to your enterprise blog and should form the basis of an ongoing inquiry.
Write 10 short but informative statements that identify your distinctive ‘positioning’ as a Graphic Designer. Your statements should consider your ambitions, skills and areas of creative interest in relation to the market, your clients, competition and possible collaborators and should be based on the information that you have collected in response to the set tasks.
You will need to compare a list of your skills and services against customer/client needs to those of your competitors, this should help you determine how your company is unique.

I am a young but passionate graphic designer based in leeds. I am focused on creating work which is based on the clients needs rather than forcing my own style on them. I specialise in typography, print, hand crafted and screen but also understand the importance in being flexible when creating something tailored to the clients needs. I want to create this focused work for charities, local councils(events, libraries, etc) and new/small businesses. I don't feel I want to work within retail though I could imagine there are some sectors within this which would be fun to illustrate for etc. I would be very interested to collaborate with photographers and other print and type based designers in creating a publication. There are many things I still feel I have to learn but I am exciting about this and feel that I have begun to identify the sort of designer I eventually want to be.

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