Wednesday 26 May 2010

Evaluation for Speaking from Experience.

I think this project (speaking from experience) has definitely tested my thought process and skills. I did actually struggle to get started and had to force myself to do the work but as soon as I got into it I really became focused and in fact learnt a lot and worked really hard to make up for the slow start. I realised this was due to my ideas being mainly computer based as opposed to hand rendered. I think I definitely prefer hand rendered work and in fact I think I am a lot better at it. But I did want to attempt to learn more on the various programmes and did feel that I did that.
The concept for my project started off as being ‘how to have a life outside of Graphic Design’. In considering the outcomes I came to realise that we had been taught that this should not be the case and as you learn more and develop more in Graphic Design you realise that this is impossible. It is a subject that you can’t stop thinking about because it is everywhere. I have had many sleepless nights thinking about ideas and what I should do next. Therefore, instead of making this a negative concept I wanted to show how this is a really good thing and something to take hold of.
To do this I decided to turn the three years in to an exclusive club. Clubs are something to be proud of, to get excited about and usually consist of a hobby. There for it seemed fitting to do this. I found it difficult to then think outside the box and not just consider the classic welcome banner and membership card. After various group crits and chatting about my work with colleagues I had the idea of keeping to one consistent theme, keeping it really simple but interactive. This is when I decided to create the stickers and blog. I think this idea worked really well, and if put into practice I think it would be successful. Sadly when I had the stickers printed there was a black line around them which was not intended but if they were to be printed properly that would not be there. The circular theme created from the stickers was then transferred to the main banner, which is a double sided hanging board. This was to welcome the year group, to let them know about the blog and for it to link directly to the small packs they received on entry. I think I did well in keeping the design consistent throughout the different products. Looking at the side of the banner which says the blog address I would do this differently. Once I had started the design I found it hard to change but it may have been worth completely starting from scratch. I felt it looked quite boring and the blog address was hidden due to its colour. Also It could be that the blog should have been larger. Overall it did hold all the information needed and made the audience want to know more.

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