Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Meeting no. 2

I went to meet with Giles and Andy yesterday and it was all in all very positive.  They have set me some strict deadlines and Giles showed me what he is looking for.

Within my design practice I have already written a brief which consists of designing a range of posters to highlight the positive words from the bible in a way which makes sense to everyone.  Rather than bombarding people with religious terminology I want to try to explain that christian values are as relevant and hopeful as ever.  This brief works perfectly with Giles' expectations for the posters and so I will hopefully, if he likes them, be able to sell the 5 designs to him once they are finished in December.  

I learnt from this meeting that often enough clients have already a detailed description of what they are looking for from a designer which leaves not much room for creativity in the design. What I wanted to try to do for Giles was also impart some of my knowledge of being a christian understanding that there is not much design I would put on my wall specifically about the christian faith and I felt I could do this because I am the target market.  Giles seemed really open to my suggestions and I took notes on some of his as well though I explained that due to the short deadline and my 2 week holiday I would only be able to complete 5 designs with a focus on what I felt worked best which he was really happy with.

I left the meeting feeling really happy and very professional and full of ideas for the work knowing they could be bought! 

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Business Opportunity

I have been in touch with a graphic designer who owns a studio called Leagus.  He has been working with someone called Giles Beckley who is wanting to start up his own Christian art printing business.  Cutting a long story short I was contacted to show him some ideas for art work which he could buy the copyrights to and reproduce and sell nationally.  Charisma Art will be mainly web based but Giles spoke about having gallery stands at certain events.

I have been asked to meet them both at Huddersfield media centre next tuesday which will be good on a professional level as this is how they will see me.  The main aim of the meeting is to discover what it is Giles is looking for, the number of designs he is wanting and the deadlines I will therefore need to meet.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Follow up email. Just incase! 
Would love to here back from tigerprint.  They emailed me back straight away so really hoping I hear from them again.  It is worth trying! 

Christian Aid

Just had an email from a contact I have in the Christian aid office regarding possibly designing an 8 page Booklet for them. They are sending me details in the post but it sounds like it would be paid work - of course I am going to charge a small price as I am just a beginner but this is really positive stuff.
I sent over my portfolio earlier today.
Very good progress!

Friday, 10 June 2011

Fingers Crossed.

Received this earlier today which I would say is positive as they actually emailed back. If I don't hear from them next week I might follow it up with a simple email.

But all in all it is progress!

Monday, 6 June 2011

Where was I? Where am I now?

At the start of this year I was attempting to feel comfortable within a Graphic design environment.  I had started to develop new skills, a new understand of the term process and the importance of a concept. I felt like I couldn't really be placed in terms of a specific area of design or type of studio I would consider working in.  This was simply because I had not yet explored it in enough detail to be aware of what and where I wanted to be. Similarly the work I had produced was always driven by a brief given by tutors and so the outcomes were limited to how I felt I could answer the brief.
Since then I feel I have taken a huge step in realising the sort of aims I want as a graphic designer a more stream lined view of the work I want to produce and a better understanding of graphic design in general.
In being able to chose briefs to suit my skills and passions and even to be able to write my own has really showed me that where I am able to put part of myself in a brief, whether it is through passion for the cause or excitement for the crafting, the resolution and even the process is more thorough and original than if it was something separate to where my passions lay.  I guess really this goes without saying.  Passion and excitement for the subject is vital in creating something visually exciting.  It maybe that this year, or even simply towards the end of this year, I have become very comfortable in how I design but really I need to still keep my mind open to opportunities which may arise and where I never felt I was able to complete a brief.

When I think now about publication layout I would probably shy away from the thought yet within charity based work this is an important part of the job and I will need to be in a place where I am comfortable completing all sorts of briefs in the most appropriate media.

I feel i have been tested also this year in software skill with learning after effects and dreamweaver in detail and finalizing projects using them. Both of which will come in handy throughout the next few years of my life.  Initially in both cases I was uncomfortable and not at ease with the software, I struggled to understand why certain things did what they did but that is what technology is about. I have noticed the importance of trial and error within this and simply testing things out is the best way to learn what they do.  In both projects I feel I eventually finished with more confidence and awareness of the possibilities the software opens up within my practice. As well as this this I still understand the great importance of pen to paper and thumb-nailing, story-boarding, sketching out ideas before taking them straight to screen.  This was probably more vital within the after effects brief.

Surrounding and supporting my practice was critical studies which I feel played a large role in my progression this year.  In considering the importance of Graphic design I was able to pin point just how important it is for me to produce work for a cause.  Whether it be community, poverty, social relationships etc, I am exceedingly keen to make my work count when it comes down to it rather than simply creating something for designs sake.  I don't think I would be well suited to work for a design magazine or any other design focussed position.  This is not because I think it is a rubbish job, more because I am more engaged and passionate when it comes down to subjects that are outside of the design sector.

second portfolio including screen work- to send to charities and other similar organisations..

Email and PDF sent to studio mikmi

Contact with Tigerprint.

I made a silly mistake of checking my email rather than the blog I posted a comment on.  I think I was expecting a response on there but sadly didn't. So sent some work over now.  Fingers crossed I will be able to have a visit.

Portfolio Pdf

Christian Aid re-branding

I have luckily got a contact within christian aid - a well known active charity against poverty.  Who I would really love to work for within the design team.  Although this is very different to the greetings cards and print design etc it is still something I want to pursue in an attempt to discover where I would be best placed.  I was informed that the youth sect of the charity is currently undergoing a re-brand and so I am planning on emailing and asking if I can simply sit in on a meeting to see what they get up to and how they go about completely re-branding part of a charity.  Of course there is a chance that this won't be possible due to confidentiality but even if I can visit their offices in London to see part of the process would really be a great opportunity.


Based in Bradford but expanded to London.

This is another greetings cards and print based company who specifically design for M&S.
Their range is very broad and less personal as it is for a larger market. They don't do work for anyone but M&S so therefore are limited with their audience. They are currently only offering placements to competition winners etc so I am wanted to complete one over the next month so that I may be in for a opportunity of a placement. I did send them a small email still asking if I could possibly pop in to talk to someone on an afternoon or something but sadly haven't received a reply as of yet.

Wedding stationary and greetings cards - new development.

After completing my final project in the second year I have noticed a new passion forming of wedding stationary, greetings cards and printed goods. Although before now I have designed cards for friends etc and always wanted to get more into this I have struggled to know whether I would be limiting my practice too much. I found a number of beautifully crafted design work for wedding stationary to be inspired by including designers who specifically focus on pattern as the main focus of the design. I have never really seen myself as a designing who likes nice pretty things and I don't think that has changed but I feel with this it is giving something a personal touch which doesn't always have to be super girly.

A couple of design studio's who specifically design this sort of product are:

Hum creative. Based in Seattle, Washington.
I was very impressed with HUM creatives collection of work and it really inspired me in thinking that there were companies out there for me... even though it is based in America. Is that too far? maybe.
I think I was so impressed because of the range of products they have covered whilst being consistent with their own personal touch without becoming like any other high spec design agency.
Their attention to detail is key throughout their portfolio of work and as displayed below they have covered both screen and print within their design.

I like that the studio seems small yet they have done work for starbucks and still want to do work for couples who are getting married. I am very excited by the thought of being able to work in a studio similar to this although I understand the importance therefore of my own art direction and the need to design with attention to detail and with a personal touch. Maybe one day!!!

The wedding artists collective. Based in New York.

Again another inspirational studio in relation to the sort of work I eventually want to be able to produce. Attention to detail and character are again kay features within this including the importance of choice of stock, thinking outside the box with ways of communicating and trying to be different from the normal standard invitation design. They use a mixture of illustration and type to create these beautiful original ranges.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Business Card.

I feel I am in a place now where I need to be considering how I specifically want to present myself, especially with my PPD presentation coming up. This is an oppurtunity to show people who I am and want to be as a designer and so little things like branding myself may be a place to start.
I have been looking around the internet at different business card designs and ways people make themselves stand out. These are all foiled and embossed. As a designer who wants to be in a large way print based it would be vital that something about the print was clever, stood out - possibly to do with colour or similarly in these examples, the way they have been printed.

I love the designs below. Different to the normal look of a business card but not so different that you just throw it away. They look like something you would want to hold on to and keep in your purse even if it is just to show people what you picked up.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Hello! Lucky.

I am not really sure what to do with this stationary company. As much as I like their design work I am a bit concerned about getting in touch when it comes down to the simple fact that my stationary company I branded is called helloLOVE which obviously is very similar to their name. I am sure they would understand that I am still learning etc and that it is not yet a live company so if need be I am able to change the name of it. It has though made me aware of the importance of finding a name which takes into consideration all competitors names and their target markets etc. I really want to make the website live over summer which is a big task in that I still have a lot of work to do for it. Even if I simply build the website so that it is ready to go live and then continue to build the ranges which are to be presented on it.

I completely understand the implications behind starting up a business- or should I say I don't quite understand the implications behind it and so therefore I don't feel I am yet ready to take on this challenge but I am going to keep in touch with my tutors in an attempt to work out the best way forward.

I have realised it is important when you have a concept or goal to carry on trying with it. All you can do is have a go and if it goes wrong in the process then there is no doubt you will of learnt something along the way.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Mark - design studio in Manchester

This is a different type of Graphic to what I would usually pick out but I feel it is important for me to keep an open mind still and in this I felt this company did stand out in their ability to visually communicate mainly within community projects, promoting colleges, universities, manchester branding, the arts etc. Although not something I was initially drawn it is all a part of bringing people together within the community, improving learning etc. Mainly type based, they have been very creative within this limitation and I was inspired to see how they have kept their audience engaged within this.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Enterprise Evaluation.

After completing our group presentation and after attending all of the enterprise lecture and sessions I feel a lot more aware in regards to being a working professional. Although I do not yet feel ready to have my own company I know a lot more about the behind the scenes work that goes into making a company successful.

In regards to the group presentation I feel we all did really well as a team. We all had similar goals and so the aims of the company seemed to flow nicely. Our individual skills, in terms of setting up the business, also complimented each other and we each took on one section of the project. Therefore the work was evenly distributed and no one person felt hard done by. When necessary we would meet to discuss and help one another in the different areas and this again worked well and there were no arguments.

My personal challenge would probably be organization but this was encouraged as I did not want to let my team down. Another issue I struggled with was keeping on top of my blog. As well as having numerous other projects to be updating I felt I put enterprise to the bottom of the list but eventually did get it done and I am glad I have done it.

On a practical level I feel I know more about where I can see myself working and the tasks helped me evaluate my position as a graphic designer in the industry. I would one day like to set up a small studio though I now understand the implications behind this and I know that I would want to wait at least 3 years after my degree before attempting to do this. Again this has all been extremely helpful information to analyse. In terms of terminology and analyzing companies I feel I have been able to learn a more professional business language and so feel more confident when talking with other professional designers.

Another important lesson learnt was in regards to budgeting, rates and start up costs. Before I did not really know much about any of these when considering a business and so now again this has encouraged my professionalism and I feel a lot more ready to talk about my profession.

Monday, 2 May 2011

for presentation

vinyl revival
architecture M
the frog and bucket comedy club
band on the wall
the bridgewater hall
Creative support
mustard tree
wood street mission


Hedleys Foil Emboss Ltd
banners banners banners

Monday, 25 April 2011

gas and electric

I have been looking on a few forums and working it out on my own experience it seems to be that people spend between £50 and £100 a month on Gas and Electric. I think as a company we would have to be aware that this will change depending how much we use it but if I place an average of £75 a month for us I should imagine this is sufficient.
Also there is the cost of water - I currently pay just £40 every quarter and I doubt we would even use as much as this. so on average we would pay around £150 on water.
This would mean the our average outgoings for bills would be approx. £1050

Friday, 8 April 2011

Purple Circle

A studio based in Nottingham.  
They seem amazing at turning something that is meant to be rather dull into a visually exciting experience.  I like the fun that surrounds their ideas because of the colour, exploratory layout, simple imagery and some beautiful illustration.